Friday, March 18, 2011

Stepping Out

My sister has been asking me for months to put out a decorating video, partly to build my business, but also to bridge the 2000 mile gap that separates us. So, I have done the first, with many more promised. Hopefully you'll take advantage of this "course" and in the end, be able to produce and incredible haven for you and your family.

The first video is The Roadmap to Design and provides a general overview of the planning that goes into design. You can watch in the video bar on the right side of the page.


Friday, January 23, 2009 Shed a Little Light

Lighting is one of the most vital and often overlooked aspects of creating an enjoyable space. How often have you walked into a friend's home for a dinner party expecting soft flickering light only to find the chandelier blazing as if they were searching for a lost contact lens? Come on, Marge, what about the mood?

Mood and function should be the key things you keep in mind as you begin to light a room. In developing a plan, ask yourself and your family the 5 W's, knowing there may be more than one correct answer to each one.

Who will be using the room?

What mood do you want to set?

When will the room be used?

Where is light needed in the room?

Why is the room being used?

With answers to their questions, you can conceive a plan that will meet the prescribed needs. Regardless of those requirements, I have some general rules that I always follow when lighting a room. Use these and you'll be on your way!

1. I can do anything you can do, BETTER. By this I mean buy lamps that can work harder. Three way switches on lamps and dimmers on ceiling fixtures allow you to produce soft or bright light from one fixture.

2. Corner the universe. Light belongs everywhere, whether you need it or not. I mean, imagine only wearing makeup on the left side of your face. By ensuring every corner of your room has some form of lighting in it, you will create a dispersed and even illumination of your room.

3. Have you met my sister? Some out there have an identical twin. And some choose to dress exactly like them. Fine, matching pairs are great, but don't forget the baby and the middle child too. Choosing lamps that relate to each other, but aren't exact, is the best way to give your room a layered look. And just as we all don't have the same hair color...the shades don't need to be the same either.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I Resolve...

It’s that time of year when I feel the need to make some sort of resolution to improve my life for the upcoming year. As usual, I do well for about two or three hours before it all becomes too overwhelming and complacency doesn’t really seem like too bad of place to spend the next year. Well, 2009 will be different; because not only am I making a resolution for me…I am making a resolution for you too.

It’s rooted in the fact that the tail end of last year didn’t really feel all that good to me. The newspaper was full of gloom, the TV was just as negative, and a general sense of hopelessness reigned. All that furthered my belief that blind faith, a healthy dose of denial and good old fashioned ignorance is the perfect recipe for getting through these tough times.

So, with negativity lurking around every corner, I resolve to help you bring graciousness, peace, enjoyment, and beauty into your homes in 2009. Every so often I will give you a few hints on what you can do to create spaces that will inspire and revitalize your family’s spirit as well as recommendations for making your home the center of all that’s good and right in the world.

If you implement only one change as a result of our resolution, I’ll consider us successful. Just imagine, though, the difference of two or more alterations. Your outlook will brighten and your excitement will be contagious. Extended family, friends, and acquaintances will clamor to join our resolution revolution and we will make this world better one home at a time.
